choose your own story
A picture book app for children
Three well loved fairy tales are all mixed up in this interactive
picture book for children. When Little Red Riding Hood meets
the Wolf, he asks her 'Where are you going?' With this app
children can choose the answer, and set the story hurtling
off one way or another.
At each step along the way, choose which storyline to follow
to create your own mixed up fairy tale. Will Little Red Riding
Hood discover the Cave of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves?
Maybe Ali Baba will dance with the wolf, or Little Red Riding
Hood will find her twin sister (What an oddly long tail she has,
for a twin sister...), or perhaps the Grandmother will cook up
a feast big enough for every one of the Forty Thieves
(Wolf Stew, how delicious!)
Discover a new story each time you read.
Download our press package here.
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